Evan Dobos
by Evan Dobos in Video Features

VIDEO: CivicLift's ROI Program Explained

A quick video explaining how CivicLift’s ROI Program works and why sharing profits with our customers is a key to the success and sustainability of community engagement efforts.



Hi, my name is Evan and I am thrilled to introduce to you CivicLift's Return on Investment Program! By the end of this video I think you will agree this is a completely unique offering that will really set us apart from traditional and web design services.

From the ground up, we've built CivicLift so that it becomes and important part of your community, and we want to see those benefits even apply to our customers monetarily. So, we've designed this ROI Program to enable the CivicLift platform to not only pay for itself over time, but actually generate a profit for your community.

This may sound too good to be true, but hear me out because this is not just a nice bonus, it also ensures success and sustainability!

In this video, you will learn the two channels a CivicLift site can generate revenue through. First you have the Premium Business Listings and you also have the Secondary Sponsorships and Ads.

The profits gained from these services are actually share with you, our customers. We will share them 50/50 with you. The more activity there is on the site, the more profits there are to share. That is why CivicLift has marketing specialists on our team and why they get so heavily involved in helping with your town's adoption of the platform. So, you as our customer and the residents and business owners that use the site all end up becoming beneficiaries of its use.

Let's dig into what those features are, how they benefit the site users, and how somebody would sign up for them

Premium Business Listings

Each listing on the map is free for anyone to submit a location to, and this is what they look like. However, a local business can upgrade to a Premium Listing, and get a ton of marketing value out of it.

As you can see, the upgrade includes larger map markers, and the popups include more information, but the best part of an upgrade is the fact that the business will get a dedicated page on the website to highlight their business. Here, they can upload images, videos, long descriptions, driving directions, and even social media links.

This page offers such a robust profile that some of our users actually use this as their only website saving small businesses thousands of dollars a year.

Secondary Sponsorships & Ads

As our customer, you can choose to utilize the option to offer secondary sponsorships and advertisements. We've seen a lot of community banks, hospitals, and other local businesses show interest in sponsoring CivicLift sites because of the high engagement rates they tend to get.

If you think about it, it is a lot of exposure to a very targeted market making sponsorship and advertisements a very attractive opportunity.

Built-in Social Impact

CivicLift considers its social impact with every business decision we make. The ROI Program is our way of giving back to local governments with which we work and to encourage them to participate in making your site an official resource in your town.

I also hope that the ROI Program illustrates our desire to be a true partner with you so that we can assure that your community engagement project is both successful and sustainable.

Please reach out to us with any questions or ideas you may have. We would absolutely love to hear from you. Thank you.

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Evan Dobos

Evan Dobos

I started CivicLift because the communities I love – and the reasons why I love them – were impossible to discover online. Since my background is in web design and digital marketing, it bothered me to think about the missed visibility for the local businesses and events. After launching a few prototypes and witnessing the impact, CivicLift stole my heart and my team and I grew the idea into full scale software.